Devil’s Night

I was once told by my C.I during my 2nd year in NPCC that thursday is known to some people as the Devil’s night. It is said that even during NS training, there will not be any training… The worst part is during jungle training when u do not even know where you are…..anything can happen.

It was during Thursday night, when some of my friends and 2 C.Is were illegally staying overnight at school. As we were feeling bored, one of my C.Is lighted up a hurricane lamp. We were told that the hurricane lamps were taken back from funerals when they finished using it and ther purpose of hurricane lamps are supposed to lead the wandering spirits back to their world. However, they can also attract the spirits to the lamps. He started off telling us all the scary things about Thursday night. When he finished, most of us went to sleep. As there was no more room for me, i had to stay outside the NPCC store alone. I could not get to sleep after all the scary stories and so i decided to stay up all night.

The weather was great with cool breeze until the moment the sky turned red and it started to rain very heavily. As i was in Montfort secondary school, i started thinkning about all the scary things they said about the school. I did not know if it was my eyes but i could see a figure walking all the way from the staff room towards the staircase leading to the place where i am. I do not know if you can imagine the fear i had watching a figure approaching but you can do nothing about it. I watched it disappeared from my view, still moving on towards the staircase. I could imagine looking at it moving closer to me. As my imagination got a grasp of me… the rain stopped……i did not saw anything coming down but is that thing real…that’s for you to judge.

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