Discipline Mistress

This happened to me when I was working at my old work-place (can’t give you the real name of the company to protect their identity). Let’s just call it “Company A”. Ok, here goes.

When I started work at Co. A about 2 years ago, I was informed not to stay late at night, especially Thursday nights. The staff never told me why and I never did ask. But due to the nature of my job, I was required to stay late every night to finish my work. Nevertheless, I never had any bad experiences with anyone or “anything” until one night which changed everything.

Before that, let me explain the layout of my department. Since the company I worked for was very big, they had a few floors and all of them are connected by an internal staircase which is near where I was seated. Therefore, I get to see who comes into the department through that staircase.

Anyway, the incident occured while I was busy typing a document which urgently needs to be done and sent out that very night. If I remember correctly, it wasn’t even a Thursday night. I was listening to some nice soft music when I heard this “thump..thump” beat like someone was going down the staircase. It was already 11.00 and I wondered who it was. I waited and waited but the person still did not emerge. I thought he/she might forget something and had gone back upstairs but a rhythmic beat like that for 5 mins really aroused my suspicion. I got up and went to check out the staircase..nothing there, even the beat stopped. But the moment I turned my back, the beat started again and this time I heard a snigger. I quickly turned back and shouted, “F*** IT!! IT’S NOT FUNNY OK?!! WHO THE F*** IS THAT?” Of course no one answered me. The hair at the back of my neck started to rise and I felt cold all of a sudden. Ok, I might have offended something by shouting profanities but what happened next was really strange. I started to retreat to my seat (with my back to the staircase) when something tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped, turned around and got SLAPPED in the face. I fainted and when I woke up, I was at home, in bed and my mom told me that I was in “coma” for 2 days.

I had a throbbing pain on my left cheek, near the mouth area for about a week during which I can’t talk or eat properly. Thank God my teeth were still intact. There was a bruise, the marking of a hand. Serves me right for spouting vulgarities at the unknown.

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