Eerie Tales

I actually have a few stories to tell.I’m not sure if they were real experiences of the paranormal but I could not find any justifiable reasons to think that they were not.

My first experience happened when I moved to my new bungalow about eight years ago.I remembered it was during the Chinese New Year and I was putting up decorations on the living room wall.Being a small girl then , I had to use a chair which I took from the kitchen dining table inorder to stick a few red papers on the wall. I vaguely recall it was about ten or so into the night after I finished decorating the walls. There was no one in the living room by the time I had finised , everyone was in their room upstairs. I remembered going upstairs to brush my teeth before coming down into the room to clean up the mess.I was going to put the chair back but it was gone and no one was downstairs at that time I was brushing my teeth. I am not sure if this was something you would consider as paranormal but it sure freaked me out.

I didn’t really think much of it after a while. However as time goes by living in that house many unexplained incidents happen suggested to me that someone else could be sharing the house with my family and also my garden. I was in primary school then and I had to wake up early in the morning for school.In some mornings when I awoke and made my way to the bathroom I would see a dark figure at the corner of my eye.I would see this thing at the corner of the spiral staircase under a dim nightlight which is on 24 hours a day.THe light actually gave out an eerie glow because of the color I think. However , I would not really consider anything out of the ordinary about seeing a figure at the corner of my eye.Some people see that and I suppose at times it could just be the imaginations running wild.

However more and more incidents begun to happen.Well you know how sometimes in the middle of the night you wake up for a relieve in your bladder? Well I did that one night , it was kinda strange coz I don’t normally do that.Anyway as I opened my bedroom door to get to the washroom , a sweet pungent smell immediately aroused my nostrils.It smelt awful , it was such a strong sweet smell.You know how when someone puts on too much perfume and stands right beside you?Well that was how it was like.I quickly dashed into the toilet and then went to bed.I was lucky that my maid shared the same room or else I don’t know how I could sleep.

Another incident also occured to me when I was alone(I was always by myself when such things happen , makes me start to wonder).Anyway , I used to have a small bush of frangipani plant in my garden behind my kitchen.I can’t recall why I was in the kitchen at 11pm , but I smell the same sweet pungent ordour coming from the plant.It was the same strong horrible hair rising smell. Apparently I heard from some old Malay folks that if one was to smell that , it meant that a pontiniak was around. I don’t know if it was true but there were several occasions when the smell would come for consecutive nights and then gone just as sudden was it came.

These were the only weird things which happened when I was living there. I moved to Australia shortly after that because of my studies.I was living in an all girls’ hostel.For the first two years everything happened as it should.However I moved into the senior wing in 1998 and began to have trouble sleeping because everytime at around 10.30pm I would hear knocking on the doors of the the rooms of the girls living along the corridor.The knocks would move from the very first rooms to the last rooms along the corridor.The end of the corridor was the entrance to the music centre and everytime you entre the stairway to the music rooms , it would feel very very cold.It is not just something like a small chill but it is a considerable drop of temperature.The concrete walls and stairs would feel cold even if it was 30 odd degrees outside on a hot summer day.The story was , in fact the truth is that a girl actually died from falling off the stairs.I know this because my housemistresses told me that and a tree was planted in rememberance of this girl.Her name was Alicia.

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