Fuchun Secondary School

It was sometime in march 1999… We were having a band camp in skool… After a long day full of intensive training for the SYF competetion, we were looking forward to having a good nights rest…All the other band members were washing up before they retired for the nite…. As i was one of the camp committee members, i had to do nite patrol… It was past 11.30pm and all the students were in the classrooms…. Me and my frens who were on nite patrol were lying down at the skool’s assembly ground grazing at the stars… Suddenly after about 5mins or so, all 7 of us who were there got up and ran to the canteen… Once reaching the canteen, we looked at each other and asked what had hapened…. My fren A said that the felt something behind him thats why he left… He also said that before he could inform us all of us were running too…. all of us agreed that we too had felt something behind us…

Thinking that it was the cold weather which might have caused us to have that kind of feeling, i put it off my mind and tried to think of a way to keep myself awake…. Just then, the camp chairman, J, call us together and told us to group ourselves in groups of 4 to go patrol for every floor every hour…. Me and the J were in the same team…. It was around 3.30 in the morning when we went for our 3rd trip… As we were patroling the 2nd floor of the blocks opposite the band room, J suddenly stopped in his tracks and pointed to the bandroom…. His face was pale and his hands were trembling…He told me that he saw a lady sitting on top of a pile of chairs in the room… I too saw it, but i told him that it could be one of the gals…

Just then, the rest of the patrol groups came to the second floor… When i saw that all of them were there, my heart started to pound… I still refused to believe that it could be a ghost… so i told them that it could be our teacher in charge… One of my frens told me that her group just went to the staff room and saw the two teachers sleeping…. Wearily we walked down the stairs and headed towards the band room… All of us were sticking close together… I could even hear the heartbeat of my frens…. We edged closer towads the door of the room… We could feel that the air has suddenly become colder then usual….Just then, a strong gust of wind blew from the room…. We were too shocked to scream or run as we saw a horrible looking woman rushing out of the room and running towards the skool gate…. We watched in horror as the woman disappeared into the nite…..

The next day, a few of my frens dreamt of a woman who tried to pull them out of the skool….. ………All those band camp leaders will remember this vividly…….

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