
I don’t know whether you will believe it or not, but this incident really happen to me and my whole family. My grandfather use to be a very healthy and happy-go-lucky person. One day he complaint that he has sore throat but refuse to see a doctor.

Until one day when his condition worsened, my dad pulled him to the hospital for a whole body check-up and found out that he was suffering from throat cancer. I was young and doesn’t know anything so I ask my dad whether my grandpa will die… From young, he used to dote me a lot, now he is dying and I can’t do anything ’bout it.

Finally, he need not suffer anymore… When he decease, his body is as if it was rotten. It hurts my heart to see my grandpa like this, but at least it ends his suffering.

Chinese believes that the spirit of the dead will come back to visit his own family members on the 49th day. On that day, my uncle left the door of the house open, waiting for him to come back. But he doesn’t know why he fall asleep. At that time, we got a maid to look after my grandma cause she is suffering from stroke. So when my maid, Gina, sees that everything is properly done and all the lights were off, she quietly went back to bed at my grandma’s room.

The next day morning, my uncle was the first one to wake up. He realised that the rice-cooker wasn’t off the whole night as the rice-cooker was very hot. Then he called Gina and asked her why didn’t she off the rice-cooker when she goes to bed. She exclaimed that she did and she did a throughly check-out on everything before she goes to bed. Then they realised, not only that the rice-cooker was on, the light on the toilet was also on. The tap in my grandma’s room was dripping and when they sweep the floor, there was cigarette ash beneath the rocking chair where my grandfather like to sit and smoke.

Everything has its reason. We analysis the whole situation and came out with an answer. First, why was the rice-cooker on? It was because my grandpa wants Gina not to forget to cook for my grandmother. Second why was the toilet light switch on. It is to remind Gina not to forget to bring my grandma to the toilet when she needs to as she couldn’t walk. Third, why was the tap dripping off water? It’s to remind Gina to bath my grandma regularly. And as for the cigarette ash, there is only 1 person who smoke besides me. That is my grandpa. It couldn’t be me because I wasn’t there at that night. The rocking chair is my grandfather’s favourite spots. He love sitting there and smoke. Strangest thing is that when we open the new pack of cigarette at his drawer, we realised that 2 stick is missing. How can a pack of cigarette not opened, can have sticks missing from it?

What do you think? I believe everything is not that simple. Grandpa still loves my grandma and he cares for her. But too sad, not long after this incident, my grandma pass away too, although she doesn’t know that my grandpa had died.( As she was suffering from stroke, she can’t remember anything, or understood anything. )

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