Haunting In Australia

When I was about 8 yrs old I was laying in bed and I thought I could hear something underneath the bed, although very frightened I decided to have a look and see what was making the noise.

When I rolled over and had a look under the bed I saw these to red burning embers, they immediately glared at me and a voice told me “What are you doing under here! Get back up on top where you belong!”

Well of course I did, but that was the start of what I knew would be a very interesting life, nothing seems to be quite as it seems. This started me being interested in the odd things in the world, one time I was at the age of 12 I was in a very large paddock with a lot of trees and I thought I saw a Ghost, well I ran. So what is new you say but I ran towards it, I was so disappointed when it was Just a dead white tree stump.

Living in Australia my brother took me Pig Shooting when I was about 14yrs, and we stopped in a Town called Loath, which is at the back of Bourke, (which is a famous Australian saying for meaning you are really really in the back of beyond).

That night my brother went drinking with the locals as in a town with only 8 buildings, one street, and only one place open the Hotel what else was he suppose to do, anyway I met up with some of the locals and other tourist children and we decided to have a Seance in an old shack which was just off the main Street.

Nothing much happened so we stopped as it was boring but I felt something a presence and it let me know that it would let me know when and where it was coming before it made it obvious to all the others, I told the others and they wanted to know what, how the hell was I suppose to know, it just felt like I had to tell them that something was coming from the west side of town and they would know.

Well when all the animals at that side of town started to go crazy (dogs, chickens) we knew it was coming and I felt but not saw that it was in the middle and I needed to tell everybody it was going and would let them know, so then the animals on the other side of town went crazy. I thought that was all but about a half hour later I started telling everybody that it was happening again this time in reverse, but this time it stopped in the middle of town and I saw an outline, nothing much could not tell if male or female but I knew it wanted something so tried talking to it but nothing, it left and the animals went crazy again.

Later my brother having heard what had been happening he was really pissed off at me for telling such lies to the other children and having them believe me as they all did as it all happened as I had told them it would.

Later that night I felt it circling the tents we were in but nothing much I could do so just went to sleep, if you ever feel a presence just remember that if you can feel them there is a reason and you should probably try and reach out to them as they are trying to reach out to you, and as long as you don’t go following them or doing stupid things they can not touch or harm you, you are always fully in control, just remember you are in the real world and they only have particular access.

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