Headless Boy At Ubin

Read couple of stories about Pulau Ubin but seem nobody mention about this incident, which I understand was a very popular story.

This happen during my school day when I was a NPCC cadet. During one of the school holiday, our seniors organized an unofficial camping for us, I was either in Secondary 2 or 3. I went there with some of the senior one day before actual camp, sort of advance party. We were supposed to meet up around late morning but ended up waiting for one Cadet Inspector till pretty late in the evening about 10pm as he was held up by some personal matter or maybe he did it intentionally (I’ll explain along the way).

During those days, there was no hand phone or pagers, so we’ve no choice but to wait for the CI to lead the way as we’re not camping at the NPCC campsite.

I was given the simplest tasking when we’re making our way to the campsite, when we started it must be around 10+ pm, cos the CI actually arrives on the last tongkang.

My task was actually to light the way with 2 powerful torchlight, meaning I was the first person. Before setting out my seniors told me to just shine on the ground and not to play with the torchlight by shining left, right or up. However being the adventurous type, I didn’t heed their advise.

When we are passing by a rubber plantation, and shining my torch around, I came across a tomb by the track we’re passing by, then further behind the tomb, I actually kind of saw a headless boy running around, I immediately stop playing with the torch but just shine on the ground and continue our journey.

When we arrives at the campsite, the seniors was wondering why I stopped shining around halfway into the plantation, and I told them what I saw, even then I wasn’t sure, maybe its just my imagination. After the holiday when we return back to school, the senior actually told me why they gave me the simplest task, because they were aware of this tomb by the track, and they’ve also told me to shine only on the ground.(see what I meant about my CI)

According to rumors passed down, long time ago there was this small boy living near the plantation who always like playing near some swamp despite being warn of danger of crocodile. Unfortunately one day the boy met his day and was attacked by one and subsequently loss his head and died and his body was buried where the tomb I saw in the plantation.

Thereafter villages nearby would sometimes see a headless boy roaming around in the night, and some even claim he was asking around for his head.

I consider myself lucky enough at least only saw a headless boy running around, he didn’t ask me for his head.

Another story was also told by the senior but I find it unbelievable but will share anyway.

It was told to us during this camping trip, we pass by the NPCC campsite, and there was this small door near to the sea side, we were told never to enter as it is the passage to nether world, people who enter it have never seen returning again, at that age of course I was to frighten to even consider trying thou I was very rebellious and adventurous. When I was in my mid 20’s I went back there looking for the door but its no longer there, unsure about this cos during my time the campsite have no fencing but when I went there for a cycling trip then seems that it was fence up (can’t remember) but when I pass by the campsite no longer see that door.

Maybe some current NPCC cadets could advise if there is still such a door there or you’ve heard about this door.

This was my first or second encounter seeing the supernatural, still trying recall the other encounter, anyway I don’t have 3rd eye, so as my parent always say, some only can see when down on their luck, wasn’t so unlucky for me though. Well that’s all for today, plenty more to come since I’ve been exploring all kind of haunted places in Singapore since I was 12 and still continuing, of course without knowledge from my parents, they being the superstitious type.

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