Honeymoon Nightmare

Hi all..its me again with another story of my nitemare when I was honeymooning with my hubby in Langkawi last year in July.

Well we’ve planned to go to Langkawi as our honeymoon trip as our time was quite tight after our wedding in June. So I’ve booked a honeymoon package that is reasonable for 3 days and 2 nites at one of the resort there.

Firstly when we were there we were really impressed by the set up of the place cos they make it as pleasant and nice to stay for couple of days. The staff were helpful and reliable as they assisted us with our luggage and other arrangements…but I’m quite uncomfortable with our chalet situated at. I went around and found one BIG tree next to our chalet and I find it very eerie. I asked my hubby to take my picture next to the tree but he’s quite hesitant abt it but I really wanted to bring it back home to show to my family.

As we have enuff time to go to town so we rented a jeep to enjoy our stay in the island. As nite came, we came back to the resort and wanted to change but as we were walking down towards the chalet, I’ve felt really terrified as I felt someone was watching us. I told my hubby abt it but he tried to calm my fears and asked me to say some prayers. When we were at the chalet, I felt more scared but I keep myself calm as not to create more worry for my hubby.

After changing, we went out for our poolside dinner and really enjoyed the evening and the breeze from the beach as most of the resorts are closely situated by the beach. So when its abt time we went back to our chalet to have a gd sleep but it seems we were wide awake as the room was quite cold. We tried to feel as if nothing happen when we heard a loud thunder and raindrops hitting our chalet. We felt more cold and tried to adjust the aircon but to no avail. Both of us were covered with quit but the most weird thing is we were both sweating under the covers. We both tried to sleep but we heard sound from above us things moving back and fourth.

I felt something was sitting on me and holding my face cos I can’t seem to move my head at all. I was terrified and tried to call my hubby but it seems nothing came out from my mouth. I saw my hubby but I can’t seem to touch him at all. I prayed and prayed for our safety and at last I managed to feel the room. I woke up my hubby and told him abt it and suggested we stayed awake till morning so we can change the location of our chalet.

Then we felt the chalet were shaking due to the heavy rain and sound coming from the roof. We turned on the radio and tv to keep awake till morning.

As morning came, my hubby admitted that he too was being sat on and can’t hardly moved from the THING. So we went to the front office to complained abt the problem and even the waitress that serve us breakfast said the same thing abt our chalet being haunted becos the BIG tree situated next to our chalet. We were shocked but thankful no harm done as both of us were just enjoying our honeymoon mood.

So we immediately changed our location to a central part of the resort rather than by the sea as you might not know who lurking by the beach at nite……Anyways remember abt the pictures that I’ve took by the BIG tree?? Its not even in the negatives as we’ve checked thoroughly for it as I wanted to show to my family and tell them abt the nitemares that I’ve endured during my journey…No luck i guess..until next time….

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