Incident At Khao Meng Camp

This story I’m going to relate happened when I was serving SAF at Khao Meng(Thailand). There was a recce bikes that FATEC, rode by RSM’s men, while I was in recce land rover. Our driver was a Thai military staff sergeant, he showed particular interest in one of the biker.

He had a blessed pendant which he wore as a necklace as protection, but he was very persistent on giving it to one of our biker. Our biker being Ah Beng, showed Thai inscriptions over his body and back, insisted that he did not need it and did not take it. All the while, when we were together in mission, the staff sergeant would insist that biker take his pendant.

On one evening, he was tasked to send a medic to a battery to help in a mission. He had done this a lot of times on the same stretch of road during our FATEC in Khao Meng, but on this evening something bad happened. The bike skidded, the medic broke his leg, the biker used his mobile to contact us for help. Being the leading vehicle for the ambulance to the scene, we saw the calf bones was broken and protruded out of the flesh, exposed to the air, damn disgusting sight. The medic had to beevacuation by air (helicopter) out of khao meng to a nearby hospital, and later sent back to Singapore. The biker had bruises over the legs, luckily he had full protection gear on, so no other major injuries. Bikes were banned from then onwards, everyone took land rovers or 1.5 tonners

After this incident the Thai sergeant did not ask the biker to take the pendant anymore as well. It was as if the Thai sergeant could see something, and the thing had left after the incident.

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