Knock Knock Whose There

This story was related to me by a friend “X” who was in NS.

As usual army man had to go over to Pulau Tekong for BMT (Basic Millitary Training)and that place is known for its strong aura. Officers had made it clear that whenever a soldier has to go to the toilet, company would be neccesary.

It was 12.42am and “X” woke to startle… His tummy was rumbling.

“ooooo…. Eh Ah Tee wake up i need you to follow me go toilet, stomachache ah.. Kin leh buai tan han liao…” moaned “X” as he grasped his tummy.

“Aiyah dont disiao leh go yourself lah so humji for what are you a man…?” muttered Ah Tee in a half sleeping tone..

“F@#$ Lah anything happen, limpeh find you!” growled “X” as he rushed to the toilet with his hand covering his butt.

As he approached the toilet it started getting cold but due to that fact that he had to control his bowels from exploding out, therefore he took no notice. He rushed into the centre cubicle and stripped his pants off.

“Ahhhhh… Lucky siah nearly come out!” he thought to himself.

After a few minutes, there was a soft and gentle knock on the door of the cubicle he was in. Thinking that it was his friend he said “Hahah scared right, later i kao peh to officer!” he laughed. There was no reply but the knocking persisted.

“Eh i want to shit also cannot let me shit in peace, Go away lah!” a tinge of anger could be felt in his voice. At this the knocking became louder and faster.

The knocks gradually became louder, faster and stronger…. very soon it turned into furious kicks. “X” started to panick, sweat dribbling down his cheeks. He was done by then and thought that the best solution was to rush out and back into his bunker.

“Slam!” the door burst open and he fled for his life… But at the corner of his eye, he noticed something flashed by him and into the cubicle.. the door slammed behind him.

He was already outside and was curious to find out who it was in the cubicle now. He cautiously tip toed in and peaked under the cubicle door and to his amazement he saw no feet. He tried to push the door open but got a shock that is was locked. “BANG BANG” was the last he heard from inside the cubicle as he raced off in a halter skelter manner….

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