My Dead Friend

When i was in secondary 3 i with my friends B.k n J.s were the same tuition.We meet a girl in the tuition time her name is T.F.N.I kno J.S like her but i dun kno what i felt 2 her not only friend i kno.She always called me but i just think normal.One day she invited me to join her birthday party.Her birthdate late than me among 1 week.I 15,she 22…i means birthdate not age.When i birthday time she gave me a gift just a glass with some sand,candle n shell.When her birthday i ask my friends help bought her gift n my friends din told me that what they bought.

Then i gave her the gift earlier than her birthday one day.And i told her that i can not go to her party 2molo.I kno she was very dissappointed.When the day her i called her n ask her whether she like the gift or not.Then her friend answer the called her name E.C.She asked me that is it i love T.F.N?I asked why?She said T.F.N very happy when she open the gift that i gave her.I said the gift is my friens bought wan…then E.C told me that the gift is a love shape music box with a word of love u.I get a shock but i think it`s just normal if really i bought to her n with the word love u but when T.F.N kno this news she very unhappy but she act just like normal but i kno she was very angry.Then E.C told me that T.F.N love me but not dare to tell me.

Then i said i treat her just like a friend.After 2 days T.F.N called me i dun kno why i will be happy when i heared her voice,she told me that she love me she asked me that do i love her i said dun kno.She always asked me this but dun kno how i has to reply her.Then one day she came to find me in my house field i was playing basketball with my friends.Then she came towards me gave me a sweet smile.Then one of my friend trow the ball to me T.F.N go over the ball n she get hurt.Suddenly,a car drove over her i saw it in my eyes.I ran towards her n get her a hug.She was injured and bleeding she asked me a kiss then i gave her a kiss.She told me that she was so happy.My tears non stop flew down.

Then she also gave me a kiss and just dead away.I felt sad,really really sad.After she dead about 1 week i went to slept about 10.20p.m but i can`t slept T.F.N is always in my mind i always thinking of her.I `m not scared her but i was sad becoz i din gave her unswer when she asked me that i love her or not when she alive.Then a strong wind blew from my window n my bedroom phone ringing.I went to pick up the phone n it`s was a voice like very far voice n then i heared T.F.N talk to me.She said go to slept early dun thinking of me anymore i love u…i will be with u…then i get shock i said i love u too.About half year,at nite i was doin my homework…suddenly,T.F.N called me she told me that she got to live me after two days…she asked dun forget her…said to me again i love u.So i want to tell the one who see my story pls if someone told u that they love u pls said to them the words u won be regret.THANK U

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