My Primary School(L.P.S)

This incident happened when i waz in primary 5(1999). I waz in primary 5/4. My class waz a clever class but it waz a problem class too. I can’t remember wat day/date waz it when this incident happpened.

Anyway, my classroom waz located next to the girl’s toilet(it waz said this toilet waz haunted). All of us were revising for our final year exam and we all paid close attention to the teacher and i mean CLOSE ATTENTION. We were really attentive that we did not realise the bell had gone.

It was M.T period and the malay pupils had to go to the next door classroom 5/3. There, my frendz from 5/3 and 5/2 asked me who had cried loudly outside our classroom. My frends from my class and I waz really shocked. NO One cried. All of us waz in class doin’ our revision. They (pupils from 5/3)said that a boy cried loudly outside our class and waz pleadin’ to the teacher saying,”Cher.. i won’t do it again. Plz don’t call my mother!!!” They even said that their teacher even had got out from the class to see wat happened. And the teacher actually saw the boy cryin’ but he can’t see the teacher. Minding his own business, he went back to the class and continue his lesson. The pupils wanna see wat happened outside but the teacher scolded them to mind their own business.

The pupils from 5/2(which is 2 classes away from my class)heard the cryin’boy too. Wat does not make sense was that how could they hear the boy cryin while my class can’t. How could 5/2 heard it loud and clear when there waz not a drop of pin heard from outside. Waz it b’coz we were sooo attentive that we couldn’t hear the crying boy. Even if the pupils from these classes have lied, how could it be possibly all of them. All 80 over pupils.

Later that evening when i wanna go home. I met a boy from 5/3. He said b4 his class heard the crying boy, he went to the toilet(which is opposite the gurlz toilet)and he saw the pupils in my class were in some sort of trance. As if i believed him! I waz in my class and all of us were not in a trance. He also said that he saw a black figure near the cupboard.

What makes matter worst was that the next year(2000)we had the fiercest teacher in our skool, Mrs.P. The incident of the crying boy actually took place. It waz real this time around. One of my classmate was scolded by the teacher as he had fought with one of the other classmate.

Now tell me, had the two classes 5/3 and 5/2 had gone to a portal of time. Or we, 5/4s are just plain blur sotongs.

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