My Tekong Stories

First one

It was a night patrol exercise. In section level, half way during our patrol near the boundary of reclaimed land, we kena comms by our mates from other sections and even other platoons to do head counts. We have strict radio silence in place and were amazed and we were wondering what was going on. Then our CSM asked for a confirmation of strength over the the comms and each section was to report. Guess what..we actually heard that one section from another platoon keep reporting a extra guy! 😀 This was transmitted over radio and no matter how they sound off, there just was another extra number. I was the unlucky guy backpacking the comms and it sure sent some chills down my spine when we heard that…imagine hearing, strength 7, present strength 8 being whispered 5 times for all to hear. 😮

We quickly made our point to the nearest RV, met our instructors and did a head count and head straight out of exercise area. We checked with friends from that section towards the end of the course and they related this story to us. There actually was a white figure sounding off in the middle of the section when they did a tactical halt. The whole section was spooked and they had no choice but to break silence and inform the instructors and ran to the RV point. The 2 guys nearest to the “white figure” was sick for the remaining part of the training on Tekong.

Second one

Towards the end of the course, we had a beaching exercise at Tekong as part of a Coastal Hook. We disembarked and push our way through the mangrove swamp. Half way through, a mate kept shouting to us that he was stuck and there was someone pulling him. We thought it was a joke and pretended to ignore him. However, his face turned white and was asking us to pull him out….3 of us went over to help him but no matter what we did, we just could not free him. We had no choice but to inform our instructors about it. Our instructors told us to leave and proceed for link up. The guy only managed to join us after a 4 hour delay. We asked him what happened and this was what he told us. The instructors, CSM, PC, PS was stuck helping him. The tide was coming in and everyone panicked. They requested for help and was told to go to mainland and bring a Malay religious leader in. The leader chanted for a full 30 mins of Quran before he can be freed from the strangle hold. However, this guy was very cheerful. He never took this incident to heart and was happy to share this story with anyone who asked about it. When he was asked how it felt, he always insisted that it was really a pair of hands that pulled him down instead of a log etc….

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