Old Changi Hospital

My friend was leaving Singapore for a period of two years and rented a chalet near the old Changi Hospital before his departure. Being adventurous, we had decided to go to thereto “take a look”. Strict instructions were given before setting off. We were to walk in twos, buddy system, and keep a lookout for our buddies. If we were to hear, feel or see anything, we were not to scream, tell anyone or run away. Those with weak animal zodiacs were advised to pair up with someone who was of a stronger animal zodiac, especially since we were told that that year was “not good” for those born in the year of the Horse. One of our friends (a horse) who used to be very ON about this kinda things, did not want to go. Ironically, he paired up with another Horse, which is obviously “no good”. He said he had a bad feeling abt this “adventure”. We brushed him off and headed for our destination.

Slowly, in twos, we walked towards the back staircase leading up to the hospital. As our group was pretty big, about 25 of us, by the time the first pair reached the top of the stairs, the last pair was only at the bottom. We headed into the hospital, slowly and cautiously. As we did not have any torch with us, it was too dark to see anything. The guy in front tried to shine some light with his lighter but to no avail. It was at this time that the whole group of us gathered slightly inside the entrance. However, one of the gals, a nurse (normally quite experienced with the supernatural and such…and she`s a staunch catholic, mind you!), commented that we should go back. So we decided to go back to get a light before coming back to explore.

On reaching the chalet, and further discussion, we decided not to go back there. All of us were pretty shaken after sharing our experiences.

The nurse apparently heard the sound of slippers dragging…. However, it was only one side of a slipper. She also saw a NEW pair of slippers by the side of the entrance. NEW PAIR!!!! And this hospital was supposed to have been abandoned for like a few years now? The rest of the hospital was so dusty and dirty…. If this was not eerie enough, all of us admitted to the smell of the frangipani. However, the nurse also smelt some kinda bad smell, murky, she said, alternating with the frangipani smell. One of the guys one of the two horses), who was walking behind me while going back down the stairs (which till now gives me the creeps), said that someone tapped his shoulder as we were leaving….

The best part was… When this friend got home the next day, his dad questioned him about going to such a place. How did his dad find out? We were told that his dad, who was sleeping at that time, had a dream. In the dream, this friend of mine was being pestered by a ghost, and there was nothing my friend`s dad could do to help him. From then on, my friend carries a talisman wherever he goes. As for me, even though I did not experience anything that night, I try to avoid such places as much as I can… Even till now, going to Changi to see the bapoks, which is so damn near the Old Changi Hospital, gives me the creeps.

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