Old School Building Of HSS

Well, i refer to ther article of the Queensway KTM Quarters. I’m now a secondary 3 student in Henderson secondary school. I entered the school in the year 1999, and since then have heard stories about our old school building! They said it was haunted!! And since the article was ‘looking’ for some storied related to that area they were lookin into..so i decided to write in!

Well the former site of Henderson secondary school was long Queensway .. and if ya look closely enough..you can actually see those quaters from outside the gates of the school buliding, althou it is all thorn and run down now. If you ever have the chance to walk past the school gate at nite…you might felt the errieness.. out there..

Stories have been heard that .. 8 years ago…there was a group of students camping overnite in school.. and some (i forgot whether was it their girls or guys) occupiced the music room. Everything was fine before midnite as there was still much noise and lightings along the main buliding! Heard from one of my school seniors that after mid-nite.. the toilets were extremly SCARY and even thou you have a friend to accompany you in there..there is always a prsensce of ‘someone’ staring at you from one corner, and so most puipls would go in a group of 4 then!

After mid-nite, the lights were switched off and there was lesser noise as most of the pupils were asleep by then, but for those spending their nite in the music room were given a suprise visit! In the middle of the nite at about 2+, ALL of them in the room heard a crying sound made by a baby .. and the sound came from inside the room!! All of them were scared out of their wits!! and everyone started some prayers..But still it didn’t work!! So all of them rushed outta of the room to look for the other members of the group! (those not sleepin in the music room) and spent their nite there instead!

Well the next morning came and all of them were quite a relieve as the saw the sun rays started shining into the building. Thou they heard the sound but no one reported it to the teacher in charge. Soon after what happened..they found out something related to their experience from the school cleaner…She said that years ago (quite long arh) there was a lady who had given birth in the bio lab of the school and die of hard labour, both the adult and child died! It is still believed that even thou after their death..the spirits return to haunt the place … even now…

I believe the old school buildin don’t just ‘housed’ those 2 pathetic souls but more are believed to be housed there! Don’t the building look kinda evil??

And ya, one of the quaters is just beside the school compound!

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