Pulau Tekong Incident

This story happened in Pulau Tekong. My friend started his BMT few years back ago. He inside this company Echo and then they have to do cleaning every now and then. But strangely he and his platoon mate keep picking up long strand of hair. Just imagine Tekong got people with long hair or not? So the whole platoon push the blame to one of the Sikh platoon mate, saying maybe he loss hair.

Damn sway, everyone passed out except my friend because he failed his 3-mth BMT, so extend lor…. no choice. He joined a new bunch of newbies. However they still pick up the long strand of hair after the sikh left and now THERE IS NO MORE SIKH. But life just pass on.

So one day, a bunch of them go toilet. Suddenly they ran back leaving one guy behind in toilet.My frenz that time damn tired coz the training that day is damn siong.the othera all wake him up and all the bunk mate go see where the guy. The guy have passed out and then they sent him to CGH.

According to them they all go toilet and all of them saw a lady in white.Her hair is long just like Sadako and cover the face 1.”All scared and run back,forgetting to tell the one who pass out,he was doing some business”(I was not very clear of what my frenz told us here as I had a call that time)

But the most scary thing happened here,the doctor say the guys has nothing wrong,although he goes into coma for a few days.But he cannot explain the sypmtom of what this guys has: “WHY THE GUY NIPPLE GOT MILK FLOW OUT, JUST LIKE A WOMAN?”

All of them know freaked out, including me who heard it… Wah piangz…… Anyway when the guy came to join them back,every1 treated it as nothing happen and don’t even dare to laugh at the guy. This is not the end………

Till now,I got another friend “Xiang” who goes into the same company.”Von”, a friend who also heard this story together with me recently ask “xiang” got any strange encounters there anot. “xiang” just say to “Von” “I and my group mate keep picking up long strand of hair? Who the hell in tekong got long hair 1? I think got Hantu Tete” “Von” dun dare to tell “xiang” unless “xiang” book out from that company.

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