Pulau Ubin Trip

I could still remember clearly during one of my NPCC camping trips to Pulau Ubin which happened more than 10 years ago. We were in Pulau Ubin for camping & canoeing. As there was one 1 small room and 1 large room, out group of 30+ students had to split up. As the smaller room could only accommodate 3 students + 1 teacher, 2 of my friends and I volunteered to stay in that small room. After all, we don’t want to squeeze with the rest. The beds in there were double-decks so I took the lower bed.

We all settled in early as we had to be early the next day for our canoeing. But that night, I couldn’t sleep at all. Maybe I was not used to the bed or the environment and no matter how I forced myself to sleep, my eyes just stayed wide open. In fact, I was sweating although the fan was switched on full blast.

I am someone who like to sleep sideways, so I remembered I had laid on my right that night. And directly opposite me was the other double-deck bed. Just suddenly, I noticed an image of a face, I couldn’t make out who it was but it was “smiling widely” at me. I am short-sighted but I refused to put on my glasses to have a clearer look. What if it was “something”?

Then I shut my eyes tightly and opened again.. That blurred image was still there. OMG I was so afraid that I nearly cried. Then I was sweating like hell too. And the blanket that was given to us was so small, and it could barely cover my whole body. Then I decided to kick my mate who was sleeping on the upper deck. She responded! I asked her if I could change place with her because I was perspiring and I needed the fan. She said ok because she felt cold (the fan was facing her the whole time). Our conversation woke up the teacher who got up and switched on the lights. I was quite relieved and I didn’t say a word to any of them. I was so glad that I only had to stay for a night there!

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