SAF Changi Chalet

My friend managed to get a unit in one of the SAF Chalet. There were about 5 of us only in that big chalet. It was facing the playground and also directly facing the sea.

The first day we were there, we had so much fun and there was nothing unusual that we encounter. However the second night, while we were sleeping, we heard footsteps going up and down the staircase. Then the footsteps just stopped at the second floor facing the bedroom. We decided to put it aside thinking that it might be the neighbours next door. The next morning when we think about it again it couldnt be possible as the sound was so near and clear.

The third day, in the morning, my girlfriend was taking a bath in the toilet upstairs, i was in one of the bedroom sleeping when suddenly i heard again the footsteps going up and down the spiral staircase. I shouted for my friend and it was then I realised she was in the bathroom. The other friend was still sleeping soundly in the next room. It was raining heavily at that time. I thought it might just be my imagination. When my friend got out of the bathroom she said she heard me shouting. I said I didnt and she insist that she heard it so clear and she was so sure it was my voice!! But i really didnt scream at all.. again we were very puzzled.

That night i was taking a bath in the toilet upstairs. My friend was with her cousin watching tv downstairs. The other two was not around at that time. While taking a bath, I heard one of my friend voice, he just got back and i can hear the door being opened. After taking the bath i went down and was asking where is Wan??? And my friend and her cousin looked puzzled and said that he has not come back yet. I told them i was sure i heard his voice talking and the sound of the front door opened. This time we had the creepy feelings.

The last night before we booked out, we had another eerie encounter. We all decided to sleep in one room leaving the other room empty. That night we heard the footsteps again. All this 4 days we’ve heard the footsteps that we are so immune to the sound. We just dont care. Then the footsteps stopped right in front of the room door that we were sleeping in. We heard the sound of the door knob as if someone was trying to force open the door. We had locked all the doors earlier. Everyone was so scared that we didnt dare to say anything and just looked at each other. We really had an eerie and creepy feelings. Then the sound stopped!!! A few hours later we were awoken by the sound of the utensils tray being thrown on the kitchen cabinet.

The next morning, we checked the kitchen but everything was in place!! We left the chalets with questioned marks in our mind that no one could answer.

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