Steps At Night

Reading these stories remind me of a personal encounter at a chalet in Sentosa. I am not naming the chalet but one could guess. It may not really freak you, but it was real. In order to have a warm little family gathering before my brother moves to Thailand for NS service, I decided to arrange for a chalet holiday at Sentosa.

I still remember the chalet was a neat place among the greenery of Sentosa. We spent the day just enjoying ourselves at Sentosa, before starting the BBQ at a pit, next to the pool at the chalet. It was then that I noticed not many holiday makers were at the chalet resort. It was not surprising for it was neither the weekends nor the school holidays. I remember that I could see our unit from the BBQ pit. It was somewhere on the 3rd or 4th floor of the block. It was dark. And so was all the other units on top and below it. I must have remarked about having the block all to ourselves.

A little about the unit. It has interesting partitions that mark different bedrooms, rather than actual walls. Effectively, one could peep into the next room just be standing on a chair. There were no doors. And the bathroom was big, with 2 bath showers that make it look more like a public toilet.

I had a room with my mum, and from the window in our room, we could see dense trees, and even monkeys swinging by (cool!).

So, confident that we were the only ones at the block, but 5 of us, we just called it a day and rested.

I remembered I slept quick that night, for I was tired. But soon after I was awakened.

I heard faint footsteps that dragged lightly in the night. I am a skeptical and the sound striked my curiousity. I was wide awakened, and listened hard.

It went: sshoooo…..sshooooo…..sshoooo….shoooo…..sshooo….click!…..sshoooo….sshoooo….

Clearly, I heard the lights switched on.

The sound was clearly from the unit itself. It sounded so real, and from the inside. I couldn`t really see if light was switched on for I was in the last room … I saw my mum sleeping next to me, and after some silence, I went back to sleep.

Yes, I asked everyone around the next morning if they have gone to the toilet at night or have heard the same thing. Apprently all slept like logs.

Where did the footsteps come from? What`s with the light switch clicks? There have been speculations that it could be the chalet security guards` patrols etc. But you see, the sound was like from within. One can easily distinguish if a sound is from within or outside the unit. We closed all windows and doors earlier that night, for feel of the monkeys disturbing us at night.

All I know was, some lights were deliberatly left in the hall area of the unit (my room was the furthest from the hall area). I have a hunch that if there was something, it probably did not like the idea of leaving lights on…it was making its indoor patrol, quietly with its steps, so soft yet so purposeful…

I am not using that chalet anymore.

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