Suicide At People Park’s Complex

People say that when a person commits suicide he or she could not leave the mortal world like any other people who had died ‘naturally’.

We each was given a number of breath to live on this earth when the time comes we shall have to proceed to the next world in one ‘reason’ or another(the ‘reason’ could be specificaly terms as the cause of death).

But what happens when we purposedly interrupted the number of breath given to us by fate by commiting suicide?

It was said that the soul of those who commits suicide will have to remain on earth till the right time for them to die have comes.

This story was told to me by my uncle who works as a security guard in People’s Park Complex via Chinatown, way back in 1983.

On that day a Chinese woman from Hong Kong had commited suicide by jumping from the top floor of that building. The woman was believed to land head first to the ground on broad daylight in front of everybody.

Due to the impact, her head split open in half and all her brain matter spilled out. It was a terrible mess.

It was rumoured that the lady commit suicide on the spot due to heartbreak afer learning that her fiance had an affair with another woman.

A few days after the incident my uncle who works nightshift was doing his rounds alone on one of the floor above.

That was when he notice a sillhoute of a woman standing behind a wall in front of him. The woman was facing him but half portion of her face and body was hidden behind the wall while the other half was visible.

The woman seems to be standing there and staring at him. My uncle tried to get a close look at her face but it was fuzzy and blur.

When my uncle approached the woman, the woman back off and hid herself behind the wall. As my uncle reach there he found no one, but he could smelled the stale smell of blood.

My uncle also attended one complained whereby a shop tenant at the top floor insisted that she saw a woman standing but bending down at the ground floor below with both her arms dangling down and her hair dropping below covering her face. Nobody seems to notice the figure and when the tenant went down to get a good ‘look’ at the woman the apparition is nowhere to be found, but when she goes up to her shop again she could see the woman there, in that same position.

There was also a complain that a lady sobbing was frequently heard during both days and nights amidst the noise level of the public.

When they looked around they found out no one seems to be making the sobbing sound but the sobbing is still there especially at the spot the lady jumps down…

Many believe the spirit of the woman is stills there lingering…

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