The Bloody Train

You’ve heard rumors of trains being haunted, even being reported on newspapers, well, its true, but not only to certain ‘unclean’ places, it happens at anytime, whenever, and when it feels like it.

Well, since I was lazy to go home alone, I waited for my brother’s friend to knock off from work. Since he couldn’t actually follow me all the way home, we simply smuggled some snacks as he accompanied me as I waited for my train.

“You better get home fast, don’t linger at the station, today damn suay…”

If course, I didn’t believe him, he ranted about it, saying if every worker at the station today had some kind of unexplained accident, the night was going to be very troublesome.

“Most people quit after awhile, but I too thick skinned…”

He laughed and I choked on my Takoyaki in a mid laugh. But he was serious. I assured him I’ll do just that, the train arrived soon after and he warned me once again, if anything funny happens, just close your eyes and pray.

I nodded and tossed my now empty Takoyaki box at him. Entering the train as the doors closed behind me. The train gathered speed and I sat down, I was the only guy so far in my compartment, there were others, but the closest person was at least 2 carriages away from me. I shrugged and plucked in my MP3 player.

Then it happened, my MP3 started getting fuzzy, Silent Hill style, I grunted and unplugged the earphone, and returned it back, still the fuzzing persisted. I took it off completely and stuffed it into my bag.

This was pretty weird, I noticed a lady beside, she was extremely pale and looked asleep. I shrugged, maybe she was one of the other passenger. Anyway, I took out my manga to read, it was Vegabond book 2. X3

Anyway, suddenly her hands came into my view and blocked my comic, I turned to look at her and got the shock of my life.

I noticed her only when her eyes were closed, but now, with her eyes wide open, I could only see gap in sockets of where eyes were supposed to be. And they were crying blood.

I recalled running my ass out as soon as the door opened. I quickly ran out of the station, only to realize I was only a station away i made my way back to the same station, my brother’s friend knew something went wrong and invited me into the station.

“You saw something right?”

I couldn’t reply, I just kept silent, he looked into te monitor and shook his head.

“You damn lucky, you only saw one…”

I was curious, I asked him why.

“Look at this camera…”

I was looking, it was live video feed from one of the camera, it was showing the place where we two were previously, only that there were more people.

“Those aren’t people…”

I noted, and of course, they weren’t. I felt shivers crawl through my spine. My brother’s friend gave me some cash to take a cab home.

Of course I still take the MRT, but I’ve a small phobia on very pale ladies till now.

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