The Changi Chalet – Blk 87

This event happened in February 2001. One day, my (big)brother asked my (big) sister whether she could get a chalet at changi (she’s in admin dept. in one of the camps). So my sis went ahead and booked a chalet. It was near an old chapel, a changi camp and the surroundings were pretty deserted.

My brother actually wanted the chalet to hold a meeting with his colleaques for some purpose, but in the end, he didn’t need to use the chalet, so i mentioned it to my boyfriend. We’ve been hanging around with his old friends lately(2 other couples). He suggested them this idea & all of them were so “on”. So i told my sis i would be using it.

Feeling excited, i went to check out the chalet with my boyfriend. It was evening time, & the busting sound of my boyfriend’s bike filled the air. Since the place was rather deserted, my boyfriend had to on his ‘high-beam’. We went thru a few curves which were very dark, & reached the place finally. i didn’t think abt a single *thing* when i was there. We were so excited, we parked our bike 50 metres near the chalet and went to check it out.

It was big & spacious. It was a double-storey bunglow, all by itself. There was a porch behind it & i still remember my boyfriend said 2 me,”See, we can park our bikes hor!(we 3 couples own bikes)” I agreed with him. There was nothing surrouding it but trees and bushes. Far in front was a golf course. A big sign board with the words “Block 87” shone brightly against the darkening sky.

We decided 2 check out the next block (88), which was a “road” away. It had a very beautiful scenery, u can c greens everywhere. Then my boyfriend asked me to take a look into the chalet. It was old & non-airconditioned, with window PANES! I felt so lucky 2 get mine, i thought (& it cost only $40!). As i peep inside the house, i was feeling a little scared. I’ve always have a wild imagination, so i told him,” Aiyah, nevermind lah, there’s no need for me to check. Anyway i got lots of mosquitoe bites & feeling irritated alredi. I said’”Let’s Go.”

I didn’t really think much abt that afterwards. The following week, we brought one of the couples there. THey were also pretty happy with it. I wanted them to visit the place so that they have an idea of how the place is like. Abt the location, no facilities, eerieness, whatsoever.

About one & a half weeks b4 the chalet date, we managed 2 get the last couple(they were always working) & we went there. For us, it was our 3rd time going. We were sitting at the bench outside the house discussing the activities we’ll have when suddenly one of my frens, M changed expression. I could sense something wrong, but i just kept quiet. It wasn’t even 5 mins!! Everyone was pretty annoyed at her sudden changed of mood so we set off. But never did i expect one couple couldn’t start their bike. It happened to us too!!! I was feeling a little scared, but my face remained calm. My guy & his fren started their engines again & again, but there was no sound at all. After a while, Haf’s bike was roaring, & now left me & my guy still struggling like hell. So they suggested him to “roll” down our bike (the road was a down-slope). He tried to start the engine the moment we reached the main road, & yes! It worked.

Everyone scolded M 4 her ‘stupid’ behaviour. She told us dat she saw a puff of white smoke rising from the ground, & she freaked out. BUT, i SAW that too!! It was really a puff of thick smoke kinda appear out of nowhere, so i thought it was from the ground, like some kind of earth reactions & stuff. I was even looking forward to see more as i found it interesting. I didn’t think of gh**ts at the time, nothing of the sort.

But on the very early morning around 3-plus, my boyfren called me. He said that M–the one who saw the smoke with me, was possessed. Her guy called my boyfriend up, sayin dat she fainted all of a sudden. When she woke up, she was a totally different person. She act as if she’s a kid, they couldn’t understand a single word. So they send M to Haf’s girlfren, Sha as her mom knows how to deal wif this kinda thing. I think she’s known as ‘bomoh’ or something…

The spirit was reluctant. No matter how hard they pray, it still hold on to M. They asked whether it is IT who let off the smoke & it admitted. Then they ask y it wants to possess M, not the rest. It said it wanted blood. Blood? The guys were confused. It was referring 2 menses. Finally, S’s mom tried her best & it lied! It said it’ll come out but it didn’t. So S’s mom used her weapon…it was not gone yet! It was passed to S! M fainted… this one was a really strong one. It was da father of the previous spirit. IT was so strong dat, the moment S got possessed, she dived straight at her boyfren, who was standing rite in front of her. She strangled him so tightly dat he got scratched on his neck. No one could stop her. Haf held on to her leg, & my boyfren to her arms. It was so hard, all of them got punched & kicked. She was screaming & kicking all over at the same time, when S’s mom dealed & prayed hard for her, use the holy water again & again & casted the spirit out, telling it not to come back ever again. If not, they will destroy its soul. It was gone. All of them were left weak and both girls were unconscious.

Everything went on smoothly till the next wk, when it happened again. We were playing pool at Coasta sands resort @ east coast when S started crying. She said that she felt sharp pains in her back constantly & she couldn’t stand it. My boyfren then told everyone to go home. As we were on the way to our bikes, M fainted. She just lied on the ground, not moving an inch. Her boyfren shouted and we hurriedly ran back to see what happened. S’s crying turned into screaming… My boyfriend told me to go & hail a cab, & and i walk towards the main road, i felt a sudden dizziness going thru me, like something’s trying to get in. I prayed quietly to myself & continued walking towards the main road. There wasn’t even a single cab, so a kind uncle offer to send us back in his van. My boyfren then told me to go home myself, where he’ll drop me at the main rd to catch a cab. But in the end, he couldn’t stop worrying n decided to send me straight home.

On the way, he kept on talking to me, just in case…u know…i had the feeling again. I started to talk nonsense for a little while, after which i was back to my normal self. I prayed & prayed in my mind, & my boyfren was so worry, every min he shouted for my name. Knowing dat i was ok myself, i assured him dat nothing happening to me…

He went immediately after i reached home. I told him to call me as soon as everything’s ok. Later at night, he called me. He said it was somehow like that time, but this time 3 spirits were involved. But S’s mom managed to cast them out & back to where they belong. They wanted no disturbance…

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