The Hospital

People says that hospitals are the most “unclean” places in the world. I can’t disagree with that especially when I personally experience something weird.

After my O’levels I was granted entry to a course in a polytechnic. I decided to take up a job during the 6 months period before I went to polytechnic. A job agency helped me to find a job in New Chxxxx Hospital (now known as Chxxxx General Hospital) material management department. I was to send all kinds of equipments to wards and OTs and offices, be it medical supply or office stationeries.

The Lift

At that time Chxxxx hospital was not officially open yet, only its ER and other ICUs are in operations. One day, I made my round up to the SICU and pass supplies to the ward. I press for the lift and when it came, I pushed my trolley into it and entered it pressed the B2 button for my department. The door closed and suddenly it opened. Thinking that maybe there was someone outside, I peeped out but there was no one there. I pressed the Close button again…..and the same thing happens again!!!! This happened for four times… and this hair rising feeling got to me and I exited the lift. The door closed and it went down!! Geez, I though… maybe something is wrong with the lift sensors… I waited for another lift that did finally came AND bring me down to B2………but a shock is awaiting me…..

When the door opens at B2 and I push my trolley out of the lift, the lift on the left, which was the left that refused to take me, opens at the same time. What came out of it was totally shocked me. Out came two attendants with a metal coffin (those that hospital use to transfer the dead to the morgue….. did I told u that the morgue was in B2 as while?) and the family of the dead. The family was weeping and crying….. this really chills me to the bone. For the rest of the day I felt sick and morbid.

Was something in the lift awaiting the arrival of the dead? That’s why it did not allow me to go down together? .

The Ward

After a month of two, my supervisor decided to send my group of friends and I to Old Toa Paxxx hospital ( Already closed ) at that time to retrieve what ever can be salvage from the old buildings there. The only two humans that were there are 2 security guards… a father and son.

The first day we went there, I had this feeling… that the hospital was covered in a dark aura. The only lift there smells of disinfectant and death…. and it get stuck always in the middle of two storeys. Imagine the door opening and you are half way under ground and from the first floor…… most of the electricity was out or cut off too. The place .. I guess like all abandon buildings looks spooky.

One day, I and another guy was assigned to count the total number of metal bed frames left in the hospital. We decided to count from the main building first, from the top level down. It was around 5pm when we reach the 2nd storey. We open the ward door with our keys and walked in. It was a class C ward…. comprise mainly of different rooms by partitions with no doors in front of the partitions with a long corridor linking every room. We simply looked in and count the number of beds. I was doing the counting and my friend was doing the recording. ” Seven beds”, “Ok…” ” 10 beds…” ,” Ok..” then I came to the second last room I peeked in and i just continued to the last ward…..”8 Beds” ” Ok….. but oie….. the second last one you never count le…. how many beds huh?”

Then It struck me by I never count the beds in that ward. I saw a room… fully furnished. There were mattresses and pillows on each bed with cases and all. Looks like a perfect ward in a hospital. And on the first bed right near the door, was this old man, dressed in hospital grown and sitting on the side of the bed and looking directly at me……….” 8 beds la F**k! Go liao la!! ” I pulled my friend along and walked fast out of the ward, not daring to look to my left as I pass the particular room. My friend thought I was lazy and whacked me on my back when I was out of the ward. I told him exactly what happened. He scolded me even more. He later told me that when a person were to see any “unclean” things.. lets not suppose to tell others or his bad luck will pass on to others…… To this day it still sends chills down my spine just to think about it…….

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