The Melody

Hi…this is a story told to me by my friend and I believe her.

She and her good friends were is school(as usual). During recess, they did not feel like eating at all, so they went to the music room to enjoy the air-con. No one visits that room for some reason, not alone at least.

The music room was almost an empty room. There was a piano at one side and one side a shoe rack. Elaine(not her real name), my friend. Her friends and her started talking when the piano started playing …by itself!

“HAHA…very funny guys!You know I don’t believe in ghosts…I’ve those pianos that can play themselves…What is it called aagin?” said Elaine pointing her finger at the piano and laughing.

She went over to the piano and pressed a few keys and trying to play along. When she felt someone or something beat her hand hard.

“Ouch! Hey!” she cried rubbing her hand.

She just claimed it was her own imagination as none of her friends were near her. They were in a corner looking at her. The piano started playing again. She banged the keys trying to ruin the song.

“Stupid piano”

Again she felt something hit her even harder. But this time it felt like a hand. She was scared and ran out of the door. Her hand had red marks on it…iIt looked like three fingers. She went to one of her friends(not one of the 2 friends that accompanied her to the room), she told her about the incident….Guess what she said?

A music teacher died there…but she didn’t know how.

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