The Midnight Snack Seller

Asia ghost , ghosts , ghost , paranormal , halloween , horror , scary , haunted , ghostbusters , ghost adventures , death , hell , heaven , god , ghost whisperer , religion , ghost festival , pontianak , fear ,mystery , thrilling , ghost story , ghost caught on camera , ghost of tsushima , ghost rider , haunted house , ghost hunters , ghost recon , ghost movie , are ghosts real
Asia ghost , ghosts , ghost , paranormal , halloween , horror , scary , haunted , ghostbusters , ghost adventures , death , hell , heaven , god , ghost whisperer , religion , ghost festival , pontianak , fear ,mystery , thrilling , ghost story , ghost caught on camera , ghost of tsushima , ghost rider , haunted house , ghost hunters , ghost recon , ghost movie , are ghosts real

One night, J and his friends were all celebrating their last day of exams… they were chilling out at a pub in the central area… After that, J decided to go home as he wanted to start on his long-waiting stack of VCDs…

The journey home was quite ok… after he alighted at the bus-stop, he decided to walk to the nearby 7-eleven as he was feeling a bit hungry. Just after he crossed the road, he saw an old man pushing a trolley and nearly shouting:” Goreng Pisang…. Goreng Pisang…”

J thought it was strange that the man was selling fried bananas at the unearthly time of 1:30am… but he was too hungry to worry about it… so he went to the old man and said:” uncle, can give me 2?” When the old man turned to face J, all J could see was his very bloodshot eyes… Without a second word, the old man pushed his gnarled hands into the trolley and started fishing about…

After a while, J became impatient and told the old man to hurry up… he was really hungry now!

The old man turned slowly and replied:” Ah, but you need to wait for me to get the fresh ones!” J became scared at how the old man was behaving… so he thought… maybe he should just run over to the 7-eleven… It was as if the old man could read his thoughts… he suddenly gave a proud “A-ha!” and with a flourish no one could second, whipped out a bloody human head!!

J thought… S**t, this man must be crazy… But the head in the old man’s hand suddenly turned and J caught himself staring at his own head… … …

I never found out what happened to J, because it turned out he became withdrawn and … … strange. He also suddenly developed a huge craving for goreng pisang.

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Asia ghost , ghosts , ghost , paranormal , halloween , horror , scary , haunted , ghostbusters , ghost adventures , death , hell , heaven , god , ghost whisperer , religion , ghost festival , pontianak , fear ,mystery , thrilling , ghost story , ghost caught on camera , ghost of tsushima , ghost rider , haunted house , ghost hunters , ghost recon , ghost movie , are ghosts real

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