Unexpected Guest

Hi, i’m back with my second spooky & eerie story. You know that earlier i had mentioned about my village at Kampong Ayer gemuroh which was well known by most elderly who formely came from the same kampong which was famous with his scary ghost stories.

I still remembered very well the experience i had while i was only 12 years old then.. It happened on one friday night when my uncle went out to the nearby sea to cast his fishing nets hoping to get some crabs, prawns and fishes. It was about 2 am when my uncle returned home with his catches for that day.

Usually, i will be the first person to wake up and help my uncle to clean his `jala’ (fish net) and then grabbed whatever i could from the `jala’. I could hardly heard my uncle voice outside my backyard talking to someone. As i’m not bothered to check but my heart kept telling me that something fishy is going on at my back yard. I brave myself to open the back door and to my surprised, i saw my uncle was shouting and cursing bad language to a lady in her white dress with her long straight hair touching her back standing under the `beringin’ tree. I could see the lady kept on laughing weirdly even though my uncle shouted at her.

Out of no where, i suddenly noticed that the lady was looking at me and she started to flot herself in the air and immediately trying to come near me. Upon seing her reaction, my uncle quickly rushed back to tell to get inside the house. I ran in and immediately closed back the back door. 5 minutes later,i heard my uncle voice asking me to open the door. Thinking that it will not be my uncle, i immediatley went to my father room to wake him up. Finally when my father opened the door, it was my uncle standing outside with sweats covered all over his bare body. My father then asked my uncle what exactly happened to him.

To make the short interesting, my uncle told us that while he was approaching our backyard near the toilet, he heard his wife was calling his name and asked whether he caught many fishs. He replied positively when he saw his wife standing near the toilet and instead asked his wife to get a towel for him to bathe. During this period when my uncle took off his shirt while in the toilet, he heard a shrieking voice and weird laughing just near the backyard. At first he ignored the eerie sound as this was normal and nothing could make him fear. ( for your info, my uncle was known to be tough when encounter with spooky things or ghost) However, when the noise kept on disturbing him, he became impatience and angirly called his wife again to handover the towel he asked earlier.

As there was no replied from his wife, he decided to go out from the toilet to get the towel by himself. To his surprise, he saw a lady in white dress standing just about 10 m away from him. He realied that the one whom he spoken earlier was actually not his wife but instead that lady impersonates as his wife. He got angry and started to shout and curse at the lady who immediately floating herself in the air with laughter and heading towards the beringin tree.

No wonder, i saw my uncle acting so weird when i first opened the back door earlier. To my knowledge, during the incident happened, my uncle’s wife was still sleeping in her room. I guest my uncle did not expect to be received by unexpected guest on that night….it happened to be a pontianak……

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