Who Do You See

This happened last year when i was having my cca camp. We had night walk before we sleep but this is only for the lower sec. We the upper sec do not know wat is in store for us. Shortly at 12.00pm, my teacher woke me up and told all the seniors to report at the foyer. We thought we are playing another trick on our juniors, but instead it was we who got the surprise.

Our teacher told us that she is organising a solo night and all of us are to participate. We agree thinking that there is nothing to be afraid of so we went to our designated places and stay there. I was the only one put far away from the others. I was put at class4c and i heard that the class was haunted but i pay no attention. Then i heard chains rattling but i thought that my teacher is doing the trick. Then we heard people walking up and down in the classroom. I try to find my friend but i realised that all my friend was far away from me. I got so scared and decided to run away but it was then that i saw that thing.

It was horrible and frightening and i call for help. It has no body but has a head, her eyes are gorged out. Freak out, i fainted and when i woke up, everyone was around me and all have a frightened face. This is the most scariest expererience in my life.

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