Woodsville Sec School

As every school goes, there’s always a haunted story at the technical block. And it always goes like this.. Some girl got pregnant by her sleazy boyfriend who didn’t wanna wear a condom or failed her studies..

Anyway, we art students, whenever we go to Donkey face class, we like to walk pass the “haunted toliet”. And as usual, we would dare each other to go open it (but it’s always locked).

That day, it was my turn. WTF!! The door opened!! I was freaked out! and started screaming, then, my classmates and I saw, PERSONALLY, that the toliet lights switched on and offed itself. It on offed for like 3 times!! We scream so loud that the technical boys rushed over including Mr Turtle Lim. When we told him what happened, he smiled uneasily and told us to go back. Thinking that someone pulled our leg, we ventured in.

The toliet was pretty clean but a blanket of stale smell hung in the air. We checked each toliet and came to the last one, the furtherest away… we saw… a doll stained with red paint.. or blood… ???? There were also joss- stick and food offerings. Oh my gosh..

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