Army Ghost Experiences

1) This happened during BMTC 7 days field camp. The company was made to dig shell scrape after which we will sleep in the shell scrape for the night. After digging, I fell asleep. Suddenly, when I opened my eye, I realised that I was standing on the beach, in front of the sea. I was super shocked. It was very dark and fortunately, I managed to see light coming from one direction (the light is from the lamp where commander light). I quickly walked back by following the light. I finally managed to find my shell scrape and found my rifle inside it. I never had any sleepwalking experience before.
2) I was in Griffin company under PS Soh Meng Wee (that guy is an ass seriously). My friend and I would stay up to talk until late, and I will always look at the windows just in case PS Soh comes up to patrol. There is one window, followed by a small wall, followed by another window. Every time, I will see someone walking past the first window. I will alert my friend. But every time strangely, the person will fail to appear in the second window. The strangest thing is that on the night before POP, my PS asked us whether we got see something like that.
3) I was then posted to 3rd guards 11th Mono under LTC Tay Boon Kiat. The 3 consecutive dark Wednesday. In 2004, one month after the hungry ghost festival, there was three death consecutively in my unit. The first was the dunking incident by commando on guards. The second was a guy who was killed in motor incident. The third was an Indian sergeant who died after clearing his pre-ranger course selection. Rumors that my camp did not pray during hungry ghost festival.
4) 3Sir noisy tree. We were made to patrol 3SIR camp although most of them moved out. One night while patrolling, we encountered noise coming out from the tree. I did not take notice until after ORD, I talked to a guy who ORDed from 3Sir. He asked me whether I got any encounters in 3Guards. Then, before I managed to tell him about my 3SIR encounter, he told me about the “dirty” tree in 3SIR.

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