Police Academy

I’ve read ’bout “THOMSON PA SPOOKY TALE” n i agree wif him ’bout da 2 ghostly “thing” a boy n a lady cos it’s TRUET. Thou i’m a gal n neva been in NS b4 but this story was told by my frens who has been there b4.

1>>They’re in da BRAVO troop n 1 of ’em can’t get 2 sleep tat nite n was just lying resting on his bed. On top of his bed lay a window which has a glass pane where u flip n it shuts, but 1 of the glass pane was broken so tat means the window will not be fully shut thou it seems like cos of da broken pane. Tossing n turning, he thought he heard a ball thudding sound coming from outside n he take a look. Tat moment he saw a small little boy running after a ball n besides him was a lady, tat really curious him cos how could there b a small kid n a lady in the camp s u noe it oni meant 4 GUYZ, n even gals have SHORT hair n how can a BOY gets into there easily, furthermore it’s nite time. The scariest part is tat the boy pointing 2wards his direction n says “look he’s not asleep yet” n da lady oso look @ him. Eeeee….so scary…he got very sick da next day.

2>>Still in BRAVO..a guy call M can’t get 2 sleep n he was sleeping on top(double-bed)n this shock him when he turn 2 his side n saw a lady in white standing @ the end of another bed looking @ his other troopmate sleeping. But tat “THING” seems 2 noe tat she’s been watch n ON DA SPOT she turn around n glide very fast 2 M face…this is REAL. He got sick da next day(i think so) but there’s another guy from his troop came over n ask him ’bout the nite b4 incident which really shocks him as he noes tat he neva tell anyone ’bout it and how come this fellow noes. Without his knowing tat this guy witness da whole SENARIO tat nite cos he also can’t get 2 sleep n slowly the other troopmates also came 2 noe ’bout it n then this story came 2 me. I and da rest even ask him y he neva tell his officer or other frens the next day, his answer was: He afraids people might say he make up stories and it’s kinda hard 2 believe such thing rite? And wif da kind of reaction he puts. I tink he kinda brave 2 survive da nite without getting hysterical or heart attack.

But i think this’s minor case cos there r lots of other scary incidents happen down there and 2 wat i noe is dat da DELTA troopers might have lots of interesting stories 2 share cos their area r more scary…true or not i’m not sure..

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