My ex-friend who ran off with my ex-husband sent me a birthday gift.

The short version of the backstory: two years ago, my (now ex) husband told me he was leaving me for a woman I considered one of my best friends who had also decided to leave her husband. He told me two days after my birthday. They made this decision together after they had developed a romantic relationship over the prior few months. After all the legal stuff was sorted, I told my ex husband I didn’t want to hear from him unless it was for something legal/logistical (we don’t have kids). I returned the gifts my friend gave me for that birthday. My husband asked if he could occasionally send me gifts from my amazon wishlist and I told him emphatically no. I moved across the country to return to my hometown and spend time with my mom and help her with my step-father who is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s and kidney disease.

Essentially, for the past two years, I’ve been “no contact” with them and have worked on moving on with my life.

My birthday was this week. I got a gift from Amazon last night of a set of drill replacement batteries that I’ve had on my wishlist as my current set is on it’s last legs and really needs replacing. There was no name on the tag. I went to the gift page Amazon sends you and clicked the “send a thank you” link to see if a name would populate, and sure enough, they’re from this ex-friend who is still with my ex-husband. I know from mutual acquaintances that she struggles with a lot of guilt and that is likely where this is coming from.

But I am so livid. I’m glad she can’t sleep and takes sleep medication because she’s so guilt-laden. She should be. What the hell? Don’t try to be like “see? I still care about you, I want to give you things to make you feel better or say I’m sorry”. Nope. You don’t give a shit about my feelings. You sent me this thing, which I now have to decide what the hell to do with, to make yourself feel better and nothing else. You know I don’t want contact with you. You know this would only dredge up negative emotions from me and be painful for me. There’s no respect or consideration for me at all – JUST LIKE THERE WASNT TWO GODDAMNED YEARS AGO.

I’m so very VERY angry right now and just needed to throw it out to the intern.

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