I Saw Them

I believe many would have heard stories about individuals living in HDB, talking about the dropping of marbles in the middle of the night. Only to realized the cause of the ‘marbles’ are the expansion and contraction of the reinforced steel bars embedded in the concrete slab. Certainly, there are many other cases that people would swear the truth about encountering a spirit but I would definitely give the benefit of a doubt that there is some truth to it, whether I believe it myself, lies within me.

Having said that, I have encountered something in my teens which I cannot explain nor do I have an explanation. Here is my story

It was a weekend and I was taking my O levels, me and a few friends decided to sneak back to school (Chai Chee Secondary, along Upper East Coast road) to do some group studying. Upon alighting from the bus, we made our way along the fence to the main gate, while walking and talking, I noticed a group of ‘boys’, which I thought were scouts in the school compound running around in the internal garden (My school was one of those old school, the building forms a U shaped with a multi purpose hall at the front, with the canteen at the bottom, between the buildings is the garden area).

So I told my friends about it and we decided to sneak in and scare them. After climbing over the main gate and using our ninja stealth skill, we managed to make our way to the canteen. However, we didn’t see anyone around, so naturally, we thought they could have gone back to the scout den and so we made our way there only to find the door padlocked and there was not a single soul around. I ‘swear’ I saw them but did my mind play a trick on me? Although my friends did not see the boys when we were walking and chose to believe my words, we end up pretending nothing happened, found a place and started with our group study.

If anyone today would ask me about that day, my answer would still be the same.

Yes, I saw them.. or did I think I saw them

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