Meridian Primary

This scary incident happened to my friend, when we were in primary. Anywayz this happened at P4. It was a usually morning, our form teacher was absent and we had to split classes, as usual my friends, jorge(not his real name) and Dennis(his real name lol)and i were in anothere class playing pick up sticks at the back, when the girl student leader from our class went to our class and called us. She told us to go downstairs, we followed her to the outside of the first-floor girls toilet, and half of the 4F(my class) was there. Darryl, my friend was looking panicked, he said while he was passing the girls toilet, the door was open and he saw(if im not wrong)a pair of hands by the wall, and a head(i think) at the picture frame in the girls toilet. After 5 minutes, the teacher came and told us to get back to our classes. We also found a mark of two hands/fingers at the wall where he said he saw the hands. Well this is as far as i can remember, but…. there was also a time when we were practicing for a competition when Darryl and his friend was walking at the backstage, i wanted to scare them so i peeked at them to see their feet and something(like a shadow) following them, then suddenly they ran out and said there was something following them.

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