Cackle In The Night

Here’s a true story related to me by a friend. Most of us call him “Mek”.

Mek was having his ‘O’ levels and burning the midnight oil. He decided to turn his kitchen into a makeshift study room since he most probably found it more confortable. Anyway, Mek used to live in Tampines Blk 240+ near Pasir Ris Secondary, on the 2nd floor. So there he was, up to his nose in books. The time was about 2am when Mek started to feel uneasy. You know the feeling you have when something rises behind you. Although you can’t see it rising, you can feel it? Well that’s how Mek felt when he felt something rise up behind him at the kitchen window which was wide open. Then Mek heard something most of us would pray not to ever hear… a Cik Pon (i don’t like to say the real word) started to mengilai (cackle). “Eeehhh.. ehhh ehhh ehhhh ehhhh ehhhhh!!” Only Allah will know how Mek must have felt. In a fit of fear but calm, Mek slowly closed his book and uttered in Malay “Apasal kau datang sekarang” (“Why did you have to come now”) after which he fled into his room and hid under the protective covers of his blanket.

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