Haunted Hotel At Sentosa

Years ago while I was working on a project, it was our company first shareholders business meeting held in Sentosa. It was only on the last minute notification that I got to stay at the hotel. So after work, I went home to gather my stuff and my hubby and I went there.  I was assigned to my room, guess where. It’s situated right at the very last end of the hotel block and also the very last room, a suite.

Guess what my dear people, of all dates, they chose the very first day of a particular month and also coincide on the first day of 7th month, a Friday. Party is about to begin.

I had to retire early as I got to be ready by around 8.30am or 9am the next day for registration etc etc. The moment of truth, halfway sleeping, I was woken up by a strong incense smell and a frangipani smell (rotting kind).. I felt awful and did not opened my eyes, wanted to sleep all the way till morning. I don’t know how to describe the smell, but its unbearable for my nose, as though the two things are held right at my nose, forcing me to open my eyes. Anyway, I said ‘The Creed’ and other prayers and tahan till the end and got up around 6am or thereabouts.

So went to have breakfast, oops, forgot to get hold of the newspaper, had to walk all the way back to the room. Oh my god, feel very creepy the whole place. The whole area was planted with frangipani trees, but I don’t mean due to the the trees, but its just awkward kind of place.

When it comes to check out, lucky I already packed my stuff, went back to the room, grab my bags and run out of the room……

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