Spirits Of The Sea

People of all walks of life and regardless of age just loves to visit our most famous beach in the island – East Coast park. Ever since the East Coast Recreational Centre was refurbished, the numbers of visitors has risen so rapidly. There are just many things that you can do there to suit each individuals interests. Some come to pub, some to feast on food as there are just so many restaurants sprouting like mushroom now. East Coast Park is especially packed with youngsters during the school holidays. It’s like to most of the locals kids, visiting East Coast Park during their vacation is like tradition. Beware of the unseen lurking all around.

To support all of the above claims that you have just read, be inform that i resides in Marine Parade. I practically grew up by the beach. Since young i have developed an interests to swim at the beach every week with the company of my father. From there, my interests and hobbies have developed into outdoor activities. There are just so many things that i can do there like swimming, cycling, canoeing, blading, visiting my friends pits or chalet. But through all those years it’s so rare that i saw any of those from the third dimension though i always feel their presence.

What you will be reading next is just one of the stories told by my brother who has a boat at the far end of East Coast. Like me, he too grew up developing interests towards sea activities. He is an avid fisherman and was once a sailor. He usually fish at night as he claims that fishing in the open sea at day time may cause heat stroke. One incident that he encountered was that while sleeping in his boat at around 4.00 am (he leaves his nets overnight), there was stench of incense. Malays call it “Kemenyan”. But how can that smell be in the open sea? Despite all that he continued sleeping. Suddenly he heard noises made by swans. Malays believe that when you hear these sounds at night, it means that a PONTIANAK is lurking some where. He then felt being strangled profusely. He did not open his eyes however, but he recited all the prayers that he could think of. Soon the struggle ended.

My point is, what if he is one of those guys with weak heart? He might just tumbled into the sea. At this time, you ever wonder why there are many drowning cases through the years in East Coast?! In the last two months, two more people have drowned. So fellow students beware when you swim. Avoid swimming during the seventh month all the way towards December. It is a time for the witch doctors, priests or medicine man letting out spirits into the sea. So beware of the spirits. There are just too many stories to tell..E-mail me to share any stories that you might have.

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