The Curse – Part 3

7 days have gone, and Ah Chai message me through his mobile phone few hours before he is due to see Ah Pek that night. The message reads: “bro, i’m feeling very sick, i think the devil in me is trying to stop me from visiting your Ah Pek. Dont worry, i’ll be there no matter what”.

When i was there at the temple, i saw Ah Chai was carried by a big size man by his armpit. This is what we called, drag by his feet.

The Ah Chai i saw today is very different from the one i saw last week. Today, he was like a wounded soldier from a battle field. Cant walk by himself and he speaks with a voice like a dying old man giving his last words on a sick bed.

Ah Pek unfolded the ‘talking’ talisman quickly after Ah Chai pulled out from his wallet. He used 2 of his fingers to clip the green talisman, scanned through it and he turns to Ah Chai who was still feeling very unwell and says “Can you remember you have a relative that is dead and was burial but not by cremation?” Ah Chai asks “Could that be my father who had passed away 7-8 years ago?” Ah Pek says “no, it should be longer than that.” Ah Chai was very sick so Ah Pek asked him to go back to take a rest and at the same time think hard of the question and come back again next week. This time, Ah Pek gives him 2 new triangle talisman, one for him and the other for his wife to put below their pillow. they are for them to have a clue by dream or see.

7 days soon gone again. Same thing, Ah Chai messaged me to say he is very sick but still he will be there at all costs.

The picture of the problem is getting clearer this evening. Ah Chai dreamt the old Ah Ma sitting on a tomb in a cemetery staring at him. His wife saw a black figure resemble an old woman standing in front of their bed in a middle of a night. Ah Chai than revealed the whole story of him and the old Ah Ma to Ah Pek. Ah Pek is now very firm that the root of the problem is that old woman. On surface, it was just like an ordinary case that can be solved by a few talisman and whips to get rip of the devil. But this time, everyone in our temple was caught by surprise. Ah Chai condition was getting from worse to even worse. The resentment of the old Ah Ma was so bad that she is even ready to take on anyone that is trying to save Ah Chai as a challenge. That include Ah Pek.

Well, before I confuse you guys further, the wife I mentioned now is Ah Chai’s 2nd wife after his 1st divorced.

On his 4th session to our temple, the root of his problem is seem to be clearer now. The culprit is the Old Ah Ma which was his ex-grandmother- in-law.

The devil in him has been trying very hard to stop Ah Chai from coming to our temple. Ah Chai would suffer the same old symptom of chest pain and vomiting by the late evening just before the sunset till he reaches our temple on every friday. The rest of the whole week is pretty normal to him, no chest pain and nothing. As I’ve mentioned earlier, the fortunate thing about Ah Chai is, he has a very strong will to survive and never says die attitude.

Inside the temple, Ah Chai looks helpless and restless. There is a bit of doubtful show on his face. He thought, we could be just another temple that can only goes this far. My another observation with my boss is, I can see that Ah Pek was not showing a sign of stress on the issue. He looks pretty cool despite the facts that his ability is somehow challenged by the devil.

At least that was what we see as a bystander. This time, Ah Pek was not rushed to close the episode like he did to all the other cases. For this case, the old Ah Ma is challenging a heavenly appointed deity that has thousand of armies under his command at any point of time in a camp or out in a battle field would mean as good as self destroy. (those temple helpers will know what I mean)

Ah Pek turned from anger to curious of how much the devil can do and how far she can hold her power. Ah Pek is also eager to find out why she goes so far to give Ah Chai only a hard time, to make him suffer. Which is very uncommon because eventually the whole thing would burst, the culprit be punished and the victim be saved. So why does she want to delay? To make sure that the devil’s sin be punished fairly, Ah Pek wants to deal with the case, the devil with more understanding first. This is an extraordinary case, he shouldn’t be just listening to just one side of the story. He believes that there could be a hidden agenda underneath. Something could be untold by Ah Chai. He wants to unearth them and give a fair justice.

“Ok,  since she has hinted Ah Chai to see her in a cemetery, we will see her in a cemetery tomorrow. And prepare the armies.” Ah Pek commands.

Everyone in the temple was very excited with tonight’s mission. Tonight, Ah Pek is going to the cemetery to pay her a visit. She thought she could get her zombies gang to back her in the cemetery, but she didn’t know that the cemetery is actually Ah Pek playground. We went to the Lim Chu Kang cemetery with just a brief information from Ah Chai. It was all base on what he saw from the dream in the past few nights. Many things are still very uncertain, but never mind, we are into 3G already, Ah Pek also has his way to pull her out even he doesn’t has a 3G subscription with singtel. Keke

With just her full name, a few of us went through the tomb one by one with a small torch light in hand with Ah Chai trying to identify by the photo on the tomb. After searching for more than one hour and hundreds of tombs but still cannot find her, Ah Pek starts to loss his patience now. We were asked to gather near at a T junction, Ah Pek then instructed us to make offering to the 5 generals on the ground. Half way through the offering, Ah Chai starts to feel very uncomfortable with his chest again. This time, his condition is worse than the few times we saw. He was perspiring and breathing very heavily. This signs showed that the devil is very close to where we are now. Ah Chai was left alone grasping for air and beside him was Ah Pek waving his ‘order’ flag to command his generals. Ah Pek then quickly spelled a talisman, burnt it in a cup filled with clean water and hand it to Ah Chai and says: “Drink this and rub some on your eyes.” Ah Pek then says: “Tell me, can you see where is the Old Ah Ma?” Ah Chai looks around anxiously, before he could reply, Ah Pek says again: “Tell me the direction if you can spot her.” Ah Pek then continue to wave his ‘order’ flag. Not long after that, Ah Chai suddenly says with a recovering tone: “Ah Pek, she is there!” pointing to a forested area. Ah Chai continues: “She saw us, but she is now walking further and further away into the green.” Obviously she is trying to run away.

Ah Pek continues to wave his commander flag, this time Ah Pek threw some paper money into the air. Suddenly Ah Chai says: “Ah Pek, she is coming to our direction now.” Then shortly he says again: “Ah Pek, she is here already.” Ah Pek then asks: “Are you sure she is the one you saw in your dream?” Ah Chai answers yes.

The following is the whole conversation of the trial with Ah Chai standing on my left and me as the translator, in between is Ah Pek on my right with his abacus. The Old Ah Ma was on Ah Pek right. We knew because Ah Pek was looking at that direction where he was working on his abacus. The communication between Ah Pek and the Old Ah Ma is the abacus.

Ah Pek: The Ah Ma says you didn’t perform your duty as a son-in-law when your mother-in-law passed away, is that true?

Ah Chai:  Yes.

Ah Pek: Why?

Ah Chai:  Because we were not in a good term then.

Ah Pek: The Ah Ma claims that they have been housing you while you were down, why didn’t you repay their kindness and yet you went and divorce her granddaughter-in-law?

Ah Chai: It was not my idea to divorce, it was her granddaughter-in-law who wanted to separate. Because she was seeing someone else.

Ah Pek: Do you understand the consequences of not repaying someone kindness?

Ah Chai: Yes, I do.

Ah Pek: Do you agree that you are also part to be blamed for all these.

Ah Chai: Yes, I never deny.

Ah Pek: Would you agree if I ask you to perform 7 years of ‘pu du’ for the old Ah Ma in exchange for her not to harass you again?

Ah Chai: Yes, I agree.

Ah Pek: In the name of Seng Ong Bei Chu, if the Ah Ma broke her promise, I will deal with her with no mercy. Also, I see that you were in the wrong for not performing the duty of son-in-law, I want you to kneel and knock your head 3 times on the floor before the Ah Ma to show your remorse.

Ah Chai followed.

Ah Pek then swing his abacus and the whole trial ended.

We were very curious with what Ah Chai saw in the cemetery, so we find out from him. He says, after his eyes was cleansed and opened, he saw the 5 generals searching around for the old Ah Ma while Ah Pek was waving his flag. Very soon after he has identified the Ah Ma who was trying to run into the green, he saw the generals escort her to where Ah Pek was standing. He says: “The 5 generals are colored and looked exactly like those on our altar, even the weapons they carried are also the same.”

So guys, remember to pay your respect to the 5 generals the next time you visit a temple.

Ah Chai was really very appreciative with all the things Ah Pek done for him. He was the one pushing me to write this story. He even wanted to volunteer himself to be photographed to make the story more convincing but I declined. I think he should not be exposed to his enemy at this time. So, this story is specially dedicate to all the Ah Pek!

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