Unrested Soul

I work as a nurse in a cancer ward for almost six years. So u would have guess that i’ve seen quite a number deaths already. There was a particular case that still send chills down my spine up till now even tho it happened almost three years back.

There are eight single rooms numbered one to eight in my ward used for patients who are very susceptible to infections. At times, they are used for very ill patients.

Well anyway, there was this chinese indonesian guy twenty-three years of age stricken with leukaemia. He had a course of chemotherapy for about a week and was discharged thereafter. This guy just got married for about three months only so u can imagine how frustrated his family was. Such a young guy, so much ahead of him and yet such an unfortunate disease occured. But anyway everyone’s optimistic that he will make it through.

Barely a week later, he was admitted again, very sick. He was groaning in pain. The pain was so bad that he was very pale and trembling. He was put in room three facing room six. He went for a series of investigations but nothing was found. To cut the story short, he died that very night suddenly. The post-mortem after that was unconclusive too. So he died “mysteriously”. And now begin the spooky story…….

Three days later a malay lady was admitted to room six for prevention of infections. She was fine except for fever. At around 1pm, she became quite ill, was perspiring and became cold and clammy. Her blood pressure dropped. And she was attended to by two doctors and three nurses, including myself. We, the nurses, understood malay so what the patient said next freaked us out. She spoke in bahasa indonesia!!! Mentioning the events that occured a few days ago in room three!!!! She told us that there was a young chinese guy standing behind us watching us……

So what do u guys think??

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