Tan Tock Seng Hospital

My intention is not to make anyone who is admitted to hospital feel afraid. Actually, I am writing this down, coz I want to share a traumatic experience that I encountered during my stay at Tan Tock Seng hospital.

It was somewhere in the late 1970s when I was warded at Tan Tock Seng hospital due to chicken pox. I was in a bad shape and this required me to stay in the hospital for at least two weeks. Unfortunately, I couldn’t recall the ward in which I was admitted.

My stay in the hospital was not an enjoyable one coz every day throughout the two week stay, I happened to see an apparition peeping at me from a window across the room. It is the apparition of something with horns, staring at me; eyes so glaring with the coming of midnite. I couldn’t exactly describe the “thing” coz I am usually aware of its presence from the corners of my eyes. The “thing” usually appeared around 7 p.m and will stay there until 5 a.m the following morning. During this time, as a small kid; I was very, very frightened lest the “thing” wanted something from me. So, everyday without fail I pretend to sleep without moving a twitch until the break of dawn. My heart was thumping so fast until I felt that it is goin to burst. When I think of the experience that I am going to encounter every night, I was so emotional and begged my parents to stay with me. However, for reason I do not know, I always fail to tell them about the incident. Neither do I tell the nurses doing the midnite shift.

It is no wonder nobody occupy the bed just near the window coz it is just so spooky. So, anyone who is going to be warded in that hospital beware of that “thing” leering at you.

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