Black Bird

This incident happened to me two years ago but it is still fresh in my mind.

At about 11.30pm, my friend phoned me and asked me out as he couldn’t sleep and i agreed as i couldn’t sleep too at that night so we went out. My friend suggested that we went for a ride on his motorcycle.

While we were passing along AMK Ave 6, suddenly the motorcycle engine stalled. My friend do not know what causes the engine to stall. I got worried as the place gets very windy and i thought it was going to rain, suddenly there was a big black bird flying just behind us and landed on a tree next to us. We couldn’t make out the bird’s species was. We were stunned and neither of us said anything. After a while as the bird flew off, it gives out an eerie scream just like the PONTIANAK scream. Both of us were so scared and we said some prayers in our heart as my friend tried to start the engine. To our relieve my friend’s motorcycle engine able to start again. We sped off after that.

Both of us had the same thinking that the big black bird may be a pontianak that disguise into a weird bird.

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