Incident At Work

This happened at work earlier. I was writing a memo to bossing and I was the only one in that part of the workplace. To my right is a fire aisle with 3 rooms on both sides. They are mostly storage rooms, used to store equipments for the over night cleaning crew. On both ends of the fire aisle are huge double doors. One end is an emergency exit, while the other end is simply an entrance.

So there I was writing the memo when I heard this rhythmic pounding from one of the storage rooms and a bit of shuffling. I then thought Oh the cleaning crew’s here already I keep hearing it for about 10 seconds when it occurred to me Well I should have heard them come in through the double doors Ayan na, medyo natatakot na ako. I slowly stood up and listened. I could clearly hear the pounding and shuffling inside one of the storage rooms (it sounded like someone was nailing something against the wall). I slowly walked towards the fire aisle and just peeked down the corridor. I could still hear it. But part of me was saying it’s just the overnight cleaning crew, you were so busy writing you didn’t notice them come in. As I walked slowly down the fire the noise stopped. I eyed all the doors of the storage rooms. They were all left ajar and I could see the darkness through the cracks. That did it, I didn’t go any further. I went out and asked a co worker if she could walk with me through the fire aisle. I told her what I heard, she said it’s probably the cleaning crew. I just stood by the double doors as she walked down the fire aisle and opened all the doors. The sensor lights inside the rooms turned on.

No one’s in hear what she said. I quickly gathered things as she waited for me, as I was doing so, the over night cleaning crew burst through the double doors.

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