Lost Souls Of Ubin

These incidents happened while I was doing my final year in secondary school. I was in the NPCC and before our passing out parade, the NCOs suggested that we camped in Pulau Ubin for 3 days and 2 nights.

I have heard so much about that place but as it was my first time, I was very excited.

Nothing happened on our first day and everything seemed pretty normal, but it was during our nightwalk that we encountered some strange things. Every cadet had a partner and we were taken to places like the bridge, kampongs and of course, the infamous rubber plantation.

In the middle of the rubber plantation, there was a long dirt trail that seemed to lead us to the other end. And as we were walking along, suddenly, there was a lady sitting on one of her knees with her head bowed and resting on her hand. We were shocked to see her as it was unsafe for anyone to be alone there. The lady had long hair and wore white from head to toe. Nobody knew who she was and what she was doing there, but at that very moment, one of my NCOs who was behind us… walked quickly to the front! Her face was pale and she looked like she had seen a ghost! But I knew that was a PONTIANAK.

**** After our nightwalk, we were sent back to our camp. Our camp was situated on top of a hill and we had to climb the stairs up. Just below our camp was a toilet… The strange thing that happened was, when we passed by the toilet…I could have sworn I heard male voices talking just outside the toilet. The voices were loud and they were speaking in JAPANESE!! I couldn’t believe what I heard, but I didn’t tell anyone about it.

**** The third incident that happened was even scarier still. It happened that very same night. I was in the tent all ready to sleep when at exactly 12 midnight a cock crowed from nowhere!! I was surprised for as far as I know, they don’t crow late at night.. But it did. And that’s when I heard it… From below our camp, near the beach, I heard screams and gunshots. Voices calling out names (in English!)and piercing screams that I stayed rooted. Not daring to move! I asked a friend of mine and she heard it too! But a couple of friends of mine in the same tent, did not hear anything. We just lay there and listened! The terror lasted for a bloody five minutes and it was then, the cock crowed again! It crowed once and then, complete silence. ****

Back at home, a friend of mine told me that those screams that I heard were those of the British. During WWII, the Japanese would gather British women, men and children in boats and took them to that island. Upon reaching that island, they were told to run. And it was at that moment, the Japs would chase after them, killing them and cutting off their heads as they ran.

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