Blk 19 Dover Crescent

My father passed away when I was 5 years old. I do remember him but certain things about him is very vague in my mind. My story now has nothing to do with what happened after his death but his encounter with ghosts which my mother told me. She said I inherited his eyes but there is something he had which luckily I did not inherit. THE NAKED EYES!

My dad could see spirits and supernatural beings. When he was a teenager, he was very rebellious. He would keep late nights and his family were furious with him. Thus once, my grandfather instructed the door of the house to be locked and warned everyone not to open the door for him. As usual, my dad returned home at wee hours and no one opened the door for him. Trying to be brave, he went to a cemetry to sleep. (As for why he chose a cemetry, I have no clue!) He slept on one of the graves. While sleeping, he suddenly stirred in his sleep and as he opened his eyes slightly, he saw this little girl sitting next to him watching him! He immediately knew what ‘it’ was. He got up and started running and never looked back! That should teach him!

There was also another incident in my old flat in Toa Payoh. My mother was sitting on the sofa resting and my father suddenly started running around the flat, slamming the newspaper on the floor. My mother was surprised by his bizzarre reaction. She questioned him later and he told her that a ‘toyol’ was sucking on her toe! So he was chasing it. She had no clue as she did not feel a thing! According to my father, some people like to keep the ‘toyol’ and sometimes they don’t feed it. Thus it will go around looking for food and sometimes enter other people’s premises.

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