Hovering Over Us

This story i am about to relate really happened.

This happened when we were moving out of our house near Khatib MRT. We were supposed to put our things temporarily at my father’s fren’s house by 10 p.m but the lorry we hired was late and we started moving our things only at 10 p.m. By the time we reached my father’s frens house, it was 12 midnight as we had 2 lorry full of things although the house was at Yishun and is a short distance. My mum, grandmother and me in my dad’s taxi while waiting for them to finish moving the things up to the house.

Suddenly, i felt like passing urine and my mum suggested i go and use the toilet at my dad’s frens house. As i was about to open the taxi door, my grandmother who was at the front seat told me to keep quiet and wait for a while. She said this to my mother in a language i don’t quite understang, when i was at that age of 12. “Anum, kau jangonge, tengonge belakoke. Adode hantote pompuan. Bacoce doa aje.” What it means is she telling my mum that there is a ghost lady at the back of the taxi hovering. After abt 30 mins, my grandmother finally allowed me to go but with the company of my mum.

On the way to the lift, my mum saw another ghost near the phone booth. It was legless and was hovering there staring at us. I didn’t notice it though as i was in a hurry to get to the toilet.

Later I found out the ghost was a pontianak who wanted my mum as she was pregnant at that time. It seems that at that block there is someone who actually rears the pontianak.

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